Friday, March 1, 2013

Wow... So much to do.

This Venture has so much potential. The only problem is time. I will be finding more time to contribute to the venture. I truly want to make a difference in the community. I need to do research, not so much on finding people, but first on finding the stories of the people I know. I will need to find and effective way to reach out to teens and truly get them involved and interested in what I am doing.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Getting Started

This year is going to be an adventure. Steps will be taken and leaps will be made. I am trying to broaden my Capstone to involve more students. I would like to have a team, so that Jennaology can take flight and be more efficient, and therefore serve more people. There is so much work that can be done with this venture, but a starting point is crucial and I am headed there now. I am hoping for a medal, making it past the hard hits, the hurdles, and the pressure.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Binder. What is everything?

In the binder there were documents of war, a telegram, letters, a piece of a newspaper. It is so amazing there is so much information and it moves me to keep going with the project and find out more to share with as many people as I can! There is an amazing feeling that overwhelms me when I do this work and feel successful with every finding!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Binder of Records

I was looking at some binders with pictures from my grandmother. I was going through the whole shelf of books and binders, seeing what they were. I came across a binder with what looks like old letters in paper sheet covers, so that they would stay organized. I am excited to read through them and see who wrote them and what it is all about!

Rechecking the Family Bible

I asked my mother to look at the Family Bible with me in case I missed something before. I discovered that I did not know ow the Family Bile worked until then. I thought that everything was in one place and notin different sections for different events. There is a lot missing, but definitely more than I saw before. I am excited to make more progress with this project!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Family Bible

I went to my grandfather's house today and asked if I could look at his Family Bible, because they carry down information. There were a few sheets of paper slid in that had information, but I did not see anything written inside. Weird, yet it was very fascinating to see what was there. I love the feeling that comes along with genealogy!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Hitting a Dead End

I am working on my genealogy using the LDS Family Search website. I seem to have hit a dead end on my gradfather's side of the family, the Meads. I will have to continue to search and look at the Family Bible that my grandpa currently has.